Payroll REST API within “Big Rails” monolith
Transport & storage logistics app ecosystem for federal employees
E2E testing for canvas-based interior design app
Agent #
Viki Harrod
Denver, CO
mission (
chose to accept it):
Write code that humans can understand
Noteworthy Achievements:
- Championed best practices in testing by introducing RSpec approaches that improved test clarity and maintainability, which have since been adopted and evangelized across the team
- Established architectural patterns that continue to guide development at the client, ensuring code readability, reusability, and modularity across the codebase
- Launched greenfield financial project within a very challenging pre-existing system using Packwerk
- Enhanced a Rails/AngularJS app to support housing assistance and other government & non-profit services
- Built out end-to-end test suite with Playwright for NestJS/Typescript internal space planning app
- Maintained a set of Helm charts managing Kubernetes clusters deployed with Terraform
Dossier Quotes:
Viki was such a great team member! She really jumped in with both feet learning the many intricacies involved in providing payroll as a service. The Rails code Viki wrote was very thoughtful, well tested, and easy to read. This was a client with high engineering standards, so it was no small thing to write idiomatic code that would eventually be maintained by client engineers. Viki is also a very astute pair partner. Every time we would work together on a new feature I would learn a little something, and they would notice a mistake or a confusing test setup that I did not see. Pair programming at its best. Any Test Double client would be lucky to have Viki embedded in their team!
Jason Grosz
Test Double
Payroll REST API within “Big Rails” monolith
Transport & storage logistics app ecosystem for federal employees
E2E testing for canvas-based interior design app